Co-authored Books
Co-authored Books

Coming Soon!
Attune•ED Workbook 1:
A trauma-informed approach to mental health
Just as good nutrition, sleep, and exercise are important for our well-being, knowing how to take care of our mental health is also essential. Lori Allen, Ph.D, M.Ed, and Shin Shin Tang, Ph.D., created the Attune•ED curriculum to bring evidence-based mental health skills to the public and not just those who seek counseling. Attune•ED adopts a mindfulness lens in order to focus on health and how to stay healthy rather than focusing on pathology.
Teaching mental health—made easy
Just as good nutrition, sleep, and exercise are important for our well-being, knowing how to take care of our mental health is also essential. Lori Allen, Ph.D, M.Ed, and Shin Shin Tang, Ph.D., created the Attune•ED curriculum to bring evidence-based mental health skills to schools at a universal level so all children can learn healthy ways to cope with stress at an early age and enjoy lifelong benefits. Attune•ED adopts a mindfulness lens in order to focus on health and how to stay healthy rather than focusing on pathology.
They also created Attune•ED to help teachers, administrators, school counselors, and staff. Attune•ED addresses the needs of the whole school by inviting teachers and staff to learn alongside students about mental and emotional health, prevent mental health issues, and increase well-being.